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Top Ranking CBD Oil…

George and Mae

CBD products are a growing retail sector, predicted to reach $20 Billion by 2024 with a significant part of the market for these products coming from online.

Organic Search Engine listings for CBD are very competitive, particularly as many of the usual ad channels including Google Adwords and Facebook embargo any Cannabis related products from their advertising.

This is even though CBD products do not contain the active ingredient of cannabis and are completely legal in UK, EU and US.

So given that background it was really satisfying to have helped our client George and Mae reach the top of Google’s Organic Listings.

We were able to achieve 1st place for Taste Free CBD and Taste Free CBD Oil as well as other Top 5 positions for other Flavoured CBD Oil variants; by producing for George and Mae, a website that is well configured and continuously managed for Organic Search, ensuring that all elements both onsite and off site, work towards supporting visibility for product related key terms…