What is visibility?…
Not just the ability to find your away around, but also what your customers use to find you…
Online; this extends to the websites and digital services your customers engage with in their daily lives.
For the most part, your customers use search engines and social media to form opinions, develop allegiances and make decisions, including; purchasing choices.
It is no longer enough to just ‘be online’, you must be visible too…
In short; when you ignore visibility, fewer customers will be able to find you…
Why are search engines Important?…
We all use search engines to help us evaluate decisions, whether it’s researching a new supplier or the best route to our next appointment.
Given that over 80% of purchase decisions begin with an online search engine query and further more, less than 10% of ‘searches’ proceed to the 2nd page of results; being in the top 5 for the searches your customers make, is frankly your single most important marketing goal.
We will help you to; increase visibility and stand out from the crowd, by…
Informing and implementing best practice Organic Search Engine Visibility
Delivering high performance, cost effective PPC advertising campaigns
Producing and curating engaging Social Media activity
Recent Visibility Projects
Connect with us through Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook, drop us an email to office@evisible.co.uk or just give us a call on 07092897133 to find out more about our SEO and PPC Campaign Management.