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PPC campaign management

PPC advertising campaign managementInstant Visibility

PPC (Pay per Click) through Google Adwords or other popular Search Engines, delivers instant visibility against the key terms that you rely on to drive traffic to your site.

Advertising against relevant, highly competitive search terms can help where organic listings are either difficult to attain, or indeed where a strategy of SERP saturation is demanded, to achieve maximum share of voice.

However most commonly PPC works brilliantly where a particular targeted promotional message or call to action is needed, that is either time limited or otherwise not easily presented through the more permanent organic listings.

Intelligent Targeting

Informed targeting of high value search phrases and the presentation of an effective promotional message with a strong call to action is what drives successful PPC campaigns.

For our campaigns, detailed competitive intelligence informs meticulous configuration of campaign settings, highly targeted campaign segmentation, constant testing and re-testing of ad content, seeking out the most relevant and best performing key terms and presenting ads with the most persuasive call to action.

Experienced Campaign Management

Evisible have many years of experience managing PPC Advertising campaigns for clients from a wide range of sectors from Major Retail to Luxury Hotels and Boutique Clothing brands.  Our managed PPC service includes…

Account set up and advanced configuration

Search and Display Networks

Key term research

Ad development and testing

Conversion optimisation

Tracking, reporting and campaign optimisation

Localised PPC

PPC Training

Connect with us through Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook, drop us an email to office@evisible.co.uk or just give us a call on 02393 346 659 to find out more about our PPC Campaign Management.