+44 (0) 2392 346659

Lift, shift, host and redesign site

Landguard Systems

At Evisible we take a genuine interest in finding the right hosting environment for each specific client’s needs…

Sometimes clients come to us for assistance when their existing digital infrastructure is frankly no longer fit for purpose in an environment of responsive availability and increasingly severe security risks.

We recently worked on a website that had, up that point, been hosted on a local server (re-purposed desk top computer) on the customer’s own premises.

Historically the client had felt that this was the most secure and cost effective way to manage a website that served limited purpose, over and above a top level shop window, a point of contact for employment opportunities and a gateway to various technical documentation resources.

Even under this limited brief the site had reached the limits of its technical endurance and had started to fail on various devices.

The main problem for the client was in fact unpicking the website from the broader communications infrastructure on the premises as it shared DNS settings with other business critical local services, not least the company email system.

We were able to use our experience to specify an appropriate, low cost, scalable and secure, cloud based hosting solution for just the website, which was redesigned in WordPress to retain the LO-FI look and feel of the original ‘Bench’ site, but with the availability and resilience of a modern website.

Importantly we rolled out the migration with zero disruption to other services. Naturally the client was relieved and happy with the confident service we provided.

If your business website is in need of a revamp but you’re concerned about the implications of change on wider infrastructure or the potential expense of investment, speak to us and find a resilient, responsive and cost effective, design and hosting solution.