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Better SEO

The Google way to blackout your site…

With the impending SOPA circus coming to a head, Google has issued guidelines on how to minimise any potential lasting hang over caused by temporarily closing down your site, removing or changing page content as a protest… Beyond the agitating the advice could be applied in different circumstances where content is temporarily changed or removed…
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Google Algorithm updates and fun with Codenames

Useful and amusing post on recent algorithm changes to Google Search and how Google comes up with codenames for updates like ‘Panda’ and ‘Caffeine’ Read the Google Blogpost Back to blog / Back to Evisible

Moore to the law…

Article from Nature – Research into the conductivity of Nano-scale electrical components promises the continuation of Moore’s Law with even smaller processors. Read the article Back to blog / Back to Evisible

The Internet Vs the Un-Internet

Wired’s Dave Winer AKA Web Monkey, muses on the life cycle of technology adoption and the battle for control between legislators / gatekeepers, innovators and user communities, can you guess who always wins?… Read the article… Back to blog / Back to Evisible

So what’s your mobile strategy in 2012?…

Sales of iOS and Android enabled mobile devices are up massively on Christmas 2010.  So with mobile access to 3.7 million more potential customers, what’s your mobile strategy in 2012? Let Evisible help you make it a winning one. Article from T3 Back to blog / Back to Evisible  

Bye Bye Flash…

Difficult to see how Flash can remain relevant to any platform without mobile support… Article from Wired detailing the demise of the platform that brought motion to the web… Read the Article Back to blog / Back to Evisible

Grow Email Lists from Facebook

Social Media Marketeers using Facebook for corporate communications can now use their Facebook Profiles to collect email and preference information about visitors to their FB pages… Article from Clickz Back to blog / Back to Evisible

‘Instant’ food for thought

Impact of Google’s shiny new ‘Instant’ SERPs on SEO and ‘Key Term Matching’ strategies for Adwords.

Google patent strategy and what it means

Article observing the seo lessons learned from Google’s patent strategy

Typosquater’s rights

Harvard research shows that Google and opportunist website owners are generating significant revenues from so-called ‘Typo-squating’ of mis-spelt domain names.